Helping WOMEN Discover Their CONFIDENCE

Hi, I’m Kate!

I am so glad you are here! I live in Maryland and I am married to my husband Adam, I have 2 boys: Parker 10, and Hudson 7, and a little beagle named Maverick. 

I love being outdoors on the water, at the beach, at the pool, chasing sunsets and just being out in nature. 

On this site, you will find my best makeup tips, fav beauty & fashion finds, and my private wellness practice. 

Beauty and Fashion have always been such fun outlets for me to express myself and connect with other women! 

Over the past few years, I have also started to share my personal health journey and had so many women reach out saying they are struggling with similar issues. As I continued to share my journey I also became a certified health coach and I am now so excited to offer wellness coaching to women who are interested in learning how lifestyle, exercise, attitude, and nutrition choices can affect your health and those in your family.


Helping you look your best & feel your best!

Want to work with me?

Ready to elevate your makeup routine? Invest and have fun expressing yourself!